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And where would the tournament be without the line judges from South Texas???  Thanks for your enthusiasm and congratulations on a job well done!






Susan Busse (Longview) about to signal for the serve.  Ms. Busse is a three-time official at the State Tournament.









With Susan Busse (Longview) up and Jerry Brand (Fort Worth/Metro) down, they make sure they discuss any relevant matters between games.  Good communication with your fellow official is imperative!










In her last year of three at the State Tournament, Susan Busse (Longview) signals to serve in the Class AAAA championship match.  We wish you the best in your future endeavors on and off the court!  Don't hang up that whistle yet either -- we still need you!









Making sure the ball is out (it's behind you!), Jerry Brand (Fort Worth/Metro) signals an out-of-bounds ball during the Class AAAA Final on Saturday November 23, 2002 at Strahan Coliseum on the SWTSU campus.  Bet you didn't know that officials all have eyes in the back of their heads -- otherwise, this may have been a difficult call!









Signalling for the serve, Billie Nutt (Golden Spread) calls her last game at the State Tournament in San Marcos.  This is her third and final year at State -- and a job well done, too!  Best wishes in your future officiating, Ms. Nutt.




Left to right, Debbie Anika (Austin), Susan Hunter (Dallas), and Jerry Brand (Fort Worth/ Metro) get together before the Class AAAA championship match on Saturday.  This is Ms. Anika's second year to call at State, Ms. Hunter's first, and Mr. Brand's second as well.  Collectively, they have over 50 years officiating experience in volleyball!  Now that's dedication!





Here we have, left to right, Susan Busse (Longview), Robert Cantu (Corpus Christi), Janice Hudson (Houston), and Susan Hunter (Dallas) prior to their introduction before the Class AAAAA finals.  Notice how Ms. Hudson is looking down?  Could it be she notices some dirt on the floor???  Hmmm.


















Left to right, all eight of the selected officials for the 2002-'03 Volleyball State Tournament are Debbie Anika (Austin), Jerry Brand (Fort Worth/Metro), Susan Busse (Longview), Robert Cantu (Corpus Christi), Janice Hudson (Houston), Susan Hunter (Dallas), Tandy Medford (San Antonio), and Billie Nutt (Golden Spread).  Congratulations to all of you for being selected and for doing a fine job while at State!

The all-important pre-game conference with the coaches and team captains.  Billie Nutt (Golden Spread) (back to the camera, yes, in the striped shirt!) and Tandy Medford (San Antonio) set the tone for a clean match in the Class AAAAA finals.



As the umpire of the finals in Class AAAAA, Billie Nutt (Golden Spread)(back to the camera) explains the signal for a Safety to her line judges.  Wait!  This isn't football!!  (perhaps the striped shirts threw me off....) 

Oh, maybe she's reviewing touches....  Yep, that's it! Good job, Ms. Nutt!


Just before the last match of the tournament, Tandy Medford (San Antonio)(left), Billie Nutt (Golden Spread)(right, front), and Janice Hudson (Houston)(right, back) pose with two dedicated line judges from the Tip of Texas Chapter.  Sure, it's a little bit of a drive from the Valley to Austin, but these two gentlemen were proud to be selected from their chapter to call at the State Tournament so I'm sure the drive went quickly!


Here we have two happy-go-lucky line judges flanking Tandy Medford (San Antonio) (second from left) and Billie Nutt (Golden Spread)(second from right).  This is five minutes prior to the match....

then the real game faces come to light....



...and NOW they're ready for the match! 









Tandy Medford (San Antonio) signals an out-of-bounds ball, but where are the players???  Oh, well....  Great form, Ms. Medford!






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